William Bernard Reiter

July 26, 1936 ~ January 11, 2025
In the hearts of those who loved you, laughed with you, you will always be there.
William Bernard Reiter, Jr, 88, passed away peacefully on January 11, 2025 in Murrieta, California. He was born on July 26, 1936 in Springfield, Missouri to William and Ann (Halloran) Reiter.
He is preceded in death by his parents, his brother Jack, his sisters Alice and Ann.
He is survived by his brother Joe (Jane) Reiter.
Bill was a loving Dad and Grandpa and is survived by his son, Kevin Reiter, daughters, Kathy (Bob) Lewis, Susan (Mark) von Voigt, along with is grandchildren, Sarah (Brad), Sam (Melissa), Chris (Samantha), Josh (Erin), and Breanna.
He has six great grandchildren.
Bill attended St.Louis Elementary in KC, MO, Bishop Hogan High School, and then enrolled in the US Navy serving our country. He married JoAnn Hessee, and had three young children while working full time, and graduating from Rockhurst University with a major in Business Management.
Bill was a natural born salesman with his great sense of humor, intelligence, good manners, and friendly personality. He had a variety of jobs and moved the family often in MO. He was promoted and moved the family to California where he was a Regional Salesman for a variety of companies before he started his own business in the merchandising industry.
Bill loved his family, traveling, old cars and car shows, collecting coins, nature, making people laugh, eating ice cream and a good joke. He loved the Lord, and would always lead our family in prayer. He made everyone feel welcome and loved.
His Celebration of Life will be held on Monday, February 3, 2025 at the chapel/banquet room at Benedict Castle in Riverside, CA.
He will have his burial with Navy honors at Riverside National Cemetery at 2:00 pm on February 3, 2025
Bill loved nature and animals. You can purchase a Memorial Tree Planting under his name, William B. Reiter, in partnership with Arbor Day Foundation through englandfamilymortuary.com He also liked the American Bird Conservancy
Love, Kathy
Love you Kathy and Susan and families
Billy Reiter was my first “crush” in the fourth grade and we continued to remain good friends until he and Joanne moved to California. He was a super nice person and quite a humorous guy. He will be missed.
Bill and I were close when we were in grade school and high school. We played basketball in the St. Louis grade school gym and baseball on the playground. Bill Jack and I lived only 3 houses apart on the same street. We all had great times together.I thought about Bill many times over the years, and the “good old days”. My God bless his soul Love, John Bossert
Bill was very much of a GOD fearing man that loved the LORD with all his heart and showed it with his actions, words and praise!
Bill was also a great Father-In-Law to me personally. I never knew what unconditional love from a Dad meant until I met Bill. He welcomed me in the moment I met him. Bill was always in a good mood, kind, respectful and always made me laugh. Bill was also a very good listener. When it was just him and I chatting, he was very attentive and listened when I was talking. We had great conversations that I will always remember. I always felt that Bill treated me as a son and I treated him as my Dad. Bill was a positive role model in my life that I will cherish forever. Thank you Bill for being the best Father-In-Law that a Son-In-Law could ever have.
Love you Bill! You might be gone physically, but you will always be in our hearts and never forgotten. I will see you soon again Bill!
Love Bob
Bob Lewis
Love you Bill
Couldn’t have asked for a more fun loving, lighthearted, and devoted brother in-law! He loved my sister, Sue, faithfully to her last day on earth, and loved his nephews and nieces as if they were his own children. Bill you were definitely like none other, and brought such joy to the Grove family. Can’t wait when we’ll all be together again in Heaven!