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Chih-Sin Yung

chih-sin yung
In Loving Memory of Chih Sin Yung 榮志新 弟兄 Born:出生於上海, February 16, 1926 in Shainghai China Born Again and Baptized 重生成為基督徒, 受洗 於 Easter 2007 Went to Heaven with Jesus: 跟耶穌 回了天家 June 6, 2016 Survived by these beloved family members: 留下了 他所愛的家屬 Wife of over 50 years: Yu-Ing 榮張玉英 since 1965 2 Sons: Chien-Hui 榮建輝 & Chien-Huang 榮建煌 3 Daughters: Janice 佩珍, Kelly 佩珠, and Lily 佩玉 2 Grand-daughters: Vivian 榮曉慧, Kittie 榮千慧 in Taiwan 2 Grand-sons: Kyle and Luke Phillips 1 Great-grand-daughter: Yu-Chien 黃瑜珍 - Born in May 2016 Career and Major Life Events: 一生事業 和 大事 Mr. Yung moved to Taiwan with the military from China, and was an accomplished officer in the Taiwanese Navy from age 18 to 38, having served as a combat veteran in WWII. After the Navy he studied hard and worked his way up to attain the position of captain for international shipping vessels. Just as he reached the height of his career as a Captain, Mr. Yung bravely moved his family to the USA in 1983 at age 57, in search of better medical treatment for his daughter Lily. He then worked tirelessly for 28 more years with very little rest, in his new career in the Hospitality industry. Finally, he retired at age 85 and moved to Murrieta to live near his beloved grandsons. 榮先生跟隨蔣介石 到台灣後,繼續在海軍服役將近二十年 海軍退伍之後他奮發圖強,從船升級做到船長。為了養家辛苦的在海上奔波了將近二十年,一年只能回家一兩個星期。 就在他的職業巔峰的時候,榮先生 身為一個負責任又深愛子女的父親,為了尋找更好的治療辦法 來幫助小女兒佩玉的脊椎側彎,勇敢的帶著一家四口一同移民來美國, 從事了一個新旅館職業. 到了美之後他又繼續非常辛苦努力的工作了二十八年,幾乎沒有休息過 總算到八十五歲的時候退休了, 享受最後五年 與兩個孫子在一起 A Memoir of the person and LEGACY of Mr. Chih Sin Yung: by Lily 佩玉 Our father was a kind and patient man. I don’t recall him ever raising his voice. He was a quiet man, but he showed his love for us by action rather than words. He was a selfless man. He worked harder than anybody I have ever known, yet he does not spend money on himself, and was generous with others. Because of his diligence and humility, we were never in want. He was a protective and loving father. He insisted that my husband Robert get a bachelor degree before he would agree to give us his blessing. And then on our wedding day, just before he walked me down the aisle, he said, with tears in his eyes: “Pie-pie, this is the happiest day of my life.” With regard to his love for his children, he once told me: “Each of my children are like a finger on my hand. When any one of them is hurt then I’m hurt, and I love each of my children equally.” Out of his love for us he decided to check out Christianity so he can rescue his wife and 3 girls from the clutches of a superstition. After he carefully studied the Bible for a year, he realized that it was the TRUTH, and became a believer himself. He was baptized at the age of 81. He loved us enough to learn more, and God rescued his soul in time… to spare us sorrow upon sorrow. Dear friends, if you’re not yet a believer, I know that my Dad would want me to tell you, that he wants you to open your heart, and receive God’s grace, so you can have eternal life in Christ. 我們的父親是一位慈愛, 又有耐心的一個人。 我從來沒有聽到他大聲罵過我媽媽或是我們這些孩子。 他是一個完全不自私的人,非常的努力工作,絕對不在自己身上亂花錢,卻對他人特別慷慨。就因為他是這樣的謙卑又努力工作,我們一家從不缺乏 他是一個非常愛我們, 保護我們的父親。他要求我先生一定要大學畢業 才能跟我求婚,當我結婚那一天他帶著眼淚對我說, 這是他這一輩子最快樂的一天!有一次他告訴我:我每一個孩子就像我手上的一個指頭,那一個受傷,我都感受痛,我每一個孩子都愛。 當我們三個女兒加上媽媽陸陸續續信了基督教之後,我爸爸決定把這個宗教搞清楚,好來把我們從迷信中救出來. 當他仔細研究考察聖經一年之後, 深深地了解到基督教並不是迷信,而是宇宙 唯一的真理, 他自己決定要相信接受主耶穌, 成為他的救主,在八十一歲的時候,在西洛杉磯浸信會受洗了。我們感謝主開恩,來救了我爸爸的靈魂,免了我們永久分開的痛苦。因為我們清楚的知道將來在天國裏,會跟爸爸再次重逢。 親愛的親朋好友們:如果你還沒有信耶穌,我相信我爸爸一定會要我代表他忠告您, 盼望你也能夠得到這奇異的恩典,打開心門來 相信接受主耶穌的愛,讓那位創造天地萬物的真神, 賜給你永恆的生命.

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Memories Timeline


  1. *John 8:12* “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the LIGHT of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the LIGHT of life.'” *Matthew 5:16* “Let your LIGHT so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

  2. Dear Kelly & Family, Death can not hold the resurrection life, The life of God eternal manifest; It is uncreated, indestructible, It is CHRIST Himself, unconquerable, expressed.

  3. Dear Yung Bern Bern, I missed your memorial service because I did not receive the notifying email regarding your passing away until last night (6/15) for my email address was changed. Because of my faith, I believe you can still know how saddened I am. And I believe you had known, for all the years that I had the honor of knowing you, I have respected and loved you dearly. May God bless your soul. Truly yours, Kao Lao Sz

  4. Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live. John 11:25

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