Patricia Suzanne Fontaine

patricia fontaine
The Book of Memories(tm) is made available to all families we serve as well as any family served by any other funeral home in our community.

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  1. My Dear Friend will always be remembered and the times we shared will fill my heart with many great memories that I will visit often. Thanks for being my friend Patty Fontaine. One classy Lady.

  2. Patty your spirit will always be with us. Your strength was amazing always with style and grace.

  3. Patty, I will miss you so very much, you have been a dear, thoughtful and loyal friend for 35 years I can’t imagine never hearing your voice again and sharing our common love of animals, family and talks about the good old days, I am quite sure you are surrounded by all species of animals that gave come and gone somewhere in one of the trillions of universes out there sitting on a luscious aqua blue beach that looks like Brazil listening to Antonio Carlos Jobean.

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