Porferio Manipon

September 13, 1975 ~ June 21, 2012
Mr. Porferio Cabatbat Manipon was born on September 13, 1936 to Juana Cabatbat Manipon and Alejandro Manipon in Urdaneta, Philippines. Once Porferio arrived in America in 1988, he provided for his family by working diligently at the Temecula Valley Wine Country and Embassy Suites Hotel. He enjoyed working in his garden, driving his grandchildren to school, watching TFC with his beautiful wife, watching boxing and the Lakers games, and having family-get-togethers on weekends. Porferio’s final days were spent surrounded by his loving wife, children, and grandchildren. There was no doubt that he felt truly blessed to have a family that always loved and supported one another. Porferio’s life unfortunately ended due to lung, liver, and bone cancer on June 21, 2012 in the comfort of his home in Temecula, and in the presence of his loved ones. Although Porferio lived a long, happy life, some may say that his life was cut too short. However, those touched by him understood that the quality of existence far exceeds the quantity of time in which one lives.
Uncle, thank you for all the good times. You’ve always been good and always bring joy to all of us. We gonna miss you. May your soul to the mercy of god rest in peace. We love you.